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Dear NEID Community,


After some consideration, and an initial plan to hold a virtual Gala on April 7th, we have decided in consultation with the NEID Board and Gala planning committee to cancel our April 7th Gala.


This was a difficult decision, but in light of what is happening around us, probably the best way to keep our community safe and to do our part in stopping the spread of this pandemic.  In place of the Gala we will have created two other activities to benefit your international philanthropy and make up for the cancellation.


  • We have created a NEID COVID-19 resource page on our website, focused on how best to support our many grantees and people in need in the developing world, as  this virus will inevitably reach them and potentially wreak much more havok in countries with weak global health systems.   If you have resources, webinars, funds to invest in, or stories for us to share on this page with the NEID community please send them to us. 





  • We invite all of you to join us on July 14th for the NEID Summer Soiree free of charge. We also hope that you will bring your peers, grantees and friends to celebrate in a similar manner as we have done on April 7th.


At the same time, we are incredibly grateful for your continued generous support through the Gala; it provides invaluable funding for NEID and enables us to hold the many events we do throughout the year.





Thank you for your generosity and support!


Game Changers ($10,000)


Ansara Family Fund

Paul English

Imago Dei Fund

Landry Family Foundation

Partners ($5,000)


Geeta and Kamesh Aiyer

The Boston Foundation

Stephanie Dodson Cornell

David and Gay Campbell

Vilas Dhar and Julia Fetherston

Tom and Gayané Ebling

Beth Floor

Barbara and Amos Hostetter

Pamela Kohlberg and Curt Greer

The Shapiro Foundation

Elizabeth Sheehan

The Schooner Foundation

Tine Ward

Wagner Foundation

Friends ($2,500)


Alchemy Foundation

Ballentine Partners

Peter and Stephanie Choo

Corrie Dretler

Laurie Franz

John Gould

Tom and Emily Haslett

Mary-Kay Miller

Oceans Foundation

Pathstone Federal Street

Clare Reilly

Diana Rowan Rockefeller

Nancy Van Sciver

Trillium Asset Management

Gala Payment Anchor

Payment Information 

We accept check, credit card, and DAF payments.


To make secure payment by credit card:

  1. Please complete the Gala Payment Form below

  2. Click "Submit" at the bottom of the form

  3. Complete the payment page when redirected

If paying by check:

  1. Fill out Gala Payment Form below and press submit

You will be redirected to a payment page that you can ignore

2.  Make check payable to: “New England International Donors”

Include “Gala Payment” in the memo line

3. Mail check to: New England International Donors, P.O. Box 24, Watertown, MA 02471


If paying by Donor Advised Fund:

  1. Please complete the Gala Payment Form below

You will be redirected to a payment page that you can ignore

  1. Please recommend a grant to: “New England International Donors”

  2. Include a notation that it should be directed toward Gala Payment 

We are happy to talk to any financial officers if they have additional questions.

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