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We are thrilled to offer our members access to our affinity groups,
a list of vetted grantees and tools to help international donors practice international philanthropy in a respectful and impactful way.  


We have compiled a guide to help you find vetted organizations providing aid to humanitarian, refugee, pandemic and equity related issues across the globe.


Learn from a variety of resources how to successfully begin impact investing.


There are many grantees across the globe. This guide will help you find vetted organizations best for you.


Join a NEID Global Affinity Group to explore specific issue areas.

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Affinity Groups


NEID Global Members are invited to join our Affinity Group offerings! These groups allow you to convene with other members of our community who share your passion for specific issue areas. Use these groups to share resources, brainstorm  opportunities, stay informed, and to create funds!





African Aquatic Conservation Fund, Elizabeth Stephenson

African Visionary Fund, Amy Brakeman and Julia Pettengill

African Youth Alliance, Tine Ward

AfriMed Network, John Huycke

Alliance for Food Sovereignty, Daniel Moss

Amen, Allison Morris

Blue Gold Works, John Huycke

BRAC, Caitlin Baron

Build Health International, Karen Ansara

CARE USA, Farida Kathawalla and Lisa Valone

Center for Reproductive Rights, Kristen Mahoney

Community Health Academy, Julia Pettengill

CREATE!, Mary-Kay Miller

Creative Action Institute, April Stone and Constance Kane

FOWACE, Tine Ward

FPDF, Diana Samarasan

Global Greengrants, Liz Sheehan

Groundswell International, Karen Ansara, Jenn Hartman and Danyelle O’Hara

HEAL Initiative, Julia Pettengill

IDE International Development Enterprises, Tom Ebling

Integrate Health, Ashley Barrett

La Via Campesina, Jessie Spector

Last Mile Health, Ashley Barrett

Malala Fund, Alison Pyott

Miracle Feet, Mollie Van Horn

myAgro, Bennett Rathbun and Peter Choo

Nous Sommes la Solution, Daniel Moss

One Village Partners, Danyelle O’Hara

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

Partners in Health, Karen Ansara

PATH, Matt Zalosh

Practical Education Network, Peter Choo

RefugePoint, Keith Ennis

Root Capital, Namrita Kapur

SEVA, Keith Ennis

The Himalayan Cataract Project, Vilas Dhar

The World Resources Institute (WRI), Vilas Dhar

Thousand Currents, Danyelle O’Hara

Trickle Up, Tom Ebling

Trinity Yard School, Bill Hannigan

Village Capital, Doug Miller

Women Changemakers for Education, Constance Kane

World Computer Exchange, Julia Schniewind

World Education, Farida Kathawalla

World Pulse, Natalie Rekstad


ACCESS Uganda, April Stone

Action Foundation, Mollie Van Horn

African Billfish Foundation, Elizabeth Stephenson

African Visionary Fund, Amy Brakeman and Julia Pettengill

Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village, Laurie Franz

Alliance for Food Sovereignty, Daniel Moss

AMAZE, Kristen Mahoney

BarefootLaw, African Visionary Fund

Blue Gold Works, John Huycke

Blue Ventures, Bennett Rathbun and Ashley Barret

BRAC, Caitlin Baron

Bridges to Prosperity, Bennett Rathbun

Build Health International, Karen Ansara

CARE USA, Farida Kathawalla and Lisa Valone

Center for Reproductive Rights, Kristen Mahoney

Community Health Academy, Julia Pettengill

Creative Action Institute, April Stone and Constance Kane

Elimisha Kakuma, David Clubb

Equalize Health, Stephanie Dodson

Foundation for African Medicine and Education, Gretchen Stoddard

Foundation for Community Development & Empowerment, Ashley Orton

Gardens for Health International, Gretchen Stoddard

Global Grassroots, Natalie Rekstad

Green Girls Platform, Kezha Hatier-Reiss

HEAL Initiative, Julia Pettengill

IDE International Development Enterprises, Tom Ebling

Kupenda, Peter Choo

La Via Campesina, Jessie Spector

Last Mile Health, Ashley Barrett

Legado Initiative, Dan Sarles

Malala Fund, Alison Pyott

Mauritius Oceanographic Institute, Jason Donofrio

Médecins Sans Frontières, Laura DeDominicis

MicroLoan Foundation, Matt Zalosh

Miracle Feet, Mollie Van Horn

myAgro, Bennett Rathbun and Peter Choo

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

Partners in Health, Karen Ansara

PATH, Matt Zalosh

PAZESA Horticultural Community, Pamela Nathenson

Projet Jeune Leader, Susan Blaustein

RefugePoint, Keith Ennis

Resource Refugee Leadership, Kyra Montagu

Rift Valley Institute, Karen Lambert 

Root Capital, Namrita Kapur

SaCoDe, Katie Bunten-Wamaru

SEVA, Keith Ennis

Somalia NGO Consortium, Karen Lambert

STiR Education, Sapphira Goradia

Street Business School, Robert Urban

StrongMinds, Stephanie Dodson

The Himalayan Cataract Project, Vilas Dhar

The Nature Conservancy, Steven Fox

The World Resources Institute (WRI), Vilas Dhar

Thousand Currents, Danyelle O’Hara

Trickle Up, Tom Ebling

Ujima Foundation, Mollie Van Horn

Village Capital, Doug Miller

Village Health Works, Paul English

Village Reach, Ketih Ennis

Women Advocacy Project, Tine Ward

Women's Climate Centers International, Heather McGray

World Computer Exchange, Julia Schniewind

World Education, Farida Kathawalla

World Wildlife Fund, Lisa Valone


Care USA, Farida Kathawalla, Lisa Valone 

Center for Reproductive Rights, Kristen Mahoney

evpa, Doug Miller

Health Care Without Harm, Jenn Hartman

Impetus, Doug Miller

La Via Campesina, Jessie Spector

Médecins Sans Frontières, Laura DeDominicis

Mercy Corps, Lisa Valone

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

PATH, Matt Zalosh

RefugePoint, Keith Ennis

Safe Passage, Jane Gallagher

The Home Project, Ed Shapiro

The Nature Conservancy, Steven Fox

The World Resources Institute (WRI), Vilas Dhar

Think Equal, Natalie Rekstad

Village Capital, Doug Miller

Women's Trust, Martha Dolben

World Pulse, Natalie Rekstad


American India Foundation, Farida Kathawalla

AVPN, Doug Miller

Barakat Bundle, Dan Sarles

Blue Ventures, Bennett Rathbun and Ashley Barrett

BRAC, Caitlin Baron

Care USA, Farida Kathawalla, Lisa Valone 

Center for Reproductive Rights, Kristen Mahoney

dZi Foundation, Natalie Rekstad

Equalize Health, Stephanie Dodson

Global Greengrants, Liz Sheehan

Groundswell International, Karen Ansara, Jenn Hartman and Danyelle O’Hara

HEAL Initiative, Julia Pettengill

Humanity Rises, Beth Floor, Paul English, Stephanie Dodson, Barrie Landry and Ed Shapiro

IDE International Development Enterprises, Tom Ebling

Karuna USA, Todd Johnson

La Via Campesina, Jessie Spector

Malala Fund, Alison Pyott

Médecins Sans Frontières, Laura DeDominicis

Miracle Feet, Mollie Van Horn

Oceanswell, Elizabeth Stephenson

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

PATH, Matt Zalosh

READ Global, Natalie Rekstad

Safe Water Network, Nirmala Garimella

SEVA, Keith Ennis

STiR Education, Sapphira Goradia

The Himalayan Cataract Project, Vilas Dhar

Think Equal, Natalie Rekstad

Trek @ 10K Feet, Robin Brenner

Trickle Up, Tom Ebling

Ummeed, Doug MIller

United World Schools, Doug Miller

Village Capital, Doug Miller

World Pulse, Natalie Rekstad

If you have additional grantees to add to this page that are not currently  listed, please click below and fill out the submission form!


AVPN, Doug Miller

Blue Ventures, Bennett Rathbun and Ashley Barrett

BRAC, Caitlin Baron

Cambodian Children’s Fund, David Campbell

Center for Girls, Corrie Dretler

IDE Foundation, Tom Ebling

IDE International Development Enterprises, Tom Ebling

Indonesian Mental Health Association, Diana Samarasan

La Via Campesina, Jessie Spector

Lin Vietnam, Doug Miller

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

PATH, Matt Zalosh

RefugePoint, Keith Ennis

Resource Refugee Leadership, Kyra Montagu

Root Capital, Namrita Kapur

Roots of Health, Susan Blaustein

Shanta Foundation, Mollie Van Horn

Talent Trust Singapore, Doug Miller

The Nature Conservancy, Steven Fox

The World Resources Institute (WRI), Vilas Dhar

Thousand Currents, Danyelle O’Hara

Trickle Up, Tom Ebling

United World Schools, Doug Miller

World Education, Farida Kathawalla

World Pulse, Natalie Rekstad

World Wildlife Fund, Lisa Valone


Care USA, Farida Kathawalla, Lisa Valone 

Creative Action Institute, April Stone and Constance Kane

Global Greengrants, Liz Sheehan

Kajo Keji Health Institute, Mollie Van Horn

Médecins Sans Frontières, Laura DeDominicis

Miracle Feet, Mollie Van Horn

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

RefugePoint, Keith Ennis

Resource Refugee Leadership, Kyra Montagu

Trickle Up, Tom Ebling

Village Capital, Doug Miller

World Education, Farida Kathawalla

World Pulse, Natalie Rekstad


AIDA, Dan Sarles

AMAZE, Kristen Mahoney

American Cancer Society, Farida Kathawalla

BYkids, Natalie Rekstad

Community Sponsorship Catalyst Fund, Ed Shapiro

Creative Action Institute, April Stone and Constance Kane

Educando, Tara Kenney

Equalize Health, Stephanie Dodson

Free Grassy Narrows, Kezha Hatier-Reiss

Global Greengrants, Liz Sheehan

Groundswell Fund, Kristen Mahoney

Groundswell International, Karen Ansara, Jenn Hartman and Danyelle O’Hara

HEAL Initiative, Julia Pettengill

Health Care for the Homeless, Tara Kenney

Health Care Without Harm, Jenn Hartman

Island Institute, Jason Donofrio

Marine Stewardship Council, Steven Fox

Millennium Campus Network, Steven Fox

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles

RefugePoint, Keith Ennis

Rian Immigrant Center, Karen Ansara

School the World, Natalie Rekstad

SEVA, Keith Ennis

TeachUNITED, Stephanie Dodson

Think Equal, Natalie Rekstad

United Nations of Greater Boston, Farida Kathawalla

USA for UNHCR, Yasmin Causer

Village Capital, Doug Miller

Women Changemakers for Education, Constance Kane

World Computer Exchange, Julia Schniewind

World Education, Farida Kathawalla

World Pulse, Natalie Rekstad

World Wildlife Fund, Lisa Valone



Ana Aqra, Caitlin Baron

Basmeh & Zeitooneh, Caitlin Baron

Care USA, Farida Kathawalla, Lisa Valone 

Catholic Relief Services, Pat Dinneen, Tara Kenney, Charlie Walsh

Combatants for Peace, Judy Weiss

Creating Hope International, Alison Pyott

Global Greengrants, Liz Sheehan

Malala Fund, Alison Pyott

Médecins Sans Frontières, Laura DeDominicis

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Judy Weiss

Prosperity Catalyst, Karen Ansara

RefugePoint, Keith Ennis

Resource Refugee Leadership, Kyra Montagu

Unitaf, Ed Shapiro

Village Capital, Doug Miller

World Education, Farida Kathawalla

World Pulse, Natalie Rekstad


Bridges to Prosperity, Bennett Ratbun

Catholic Relief Services, Pat Dinneen, Tara Kenney, Charlie Walsh

Center for Reproductive Rights, Kristen Mahoney

COMPALCIHT, Donna Katzin

Comundich, Kezha Hatier-Riess

Creative Action Institute, April Stone and Constance Kane

Earth University, Tory Dietel Hopps

FUNDES, Gisela Keller

Groundswell International, Karen Ansara, Jenn Hartman and Danyelle O’Hara

Hospitalito Atitlan, Gretchen Stoddard

IDE International Development Enterprises, Tom Ebling

La Via Campesina, Jessie Spector

Latimpacto, Doug Miller

Médecins Sans Frontières, Laura DeDominicis

Partners in Health, Karen Ansara

PATH, Matt Zalosh

Root Capital, Namrita Kapur

School the World, Natalie Rekstad

SEVA, Keith Ennis

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Jason Donofrio

Think Equal, Natalie Rekstad

Trickle Up, Tom Ebling

WINGS, Judy Weiss

Women's Justice Initiative, Susan Blaustein


AGAPE, Dana François

ACCESO, Dana François

Bridges to Prosperity, Bennett Rathbun

Build Health International, Karen Ansara

Care 2 Communities, Liz Sheehan

Caribbean Craft, Dana François

CHES International, Mary-Kay Miller

Clinica Verde, Gretchen Stoddard

Global Greengrants, Liz Sheehan

Haiti Christian Development Fund, Dana François

Haiti Development Institute (HDI), Karen Ansara

Health Equity International, Lisa Valone

Jou Nouvo, New Day, John Huycke

Kupenda, Peter Choo

Midwives For Haiti, John Gould

Music Heals International, Ashley Orton

Partners in Health, Karen Ansara

ROPAGA, Marie-Rose Murphy

SOIL Haiti, Liz Sheehan

Summits Education, Paul English

UFMORH, Diana Samarasan

University of the West Indies, Jason Donofrio

University Quisqueya School of Agriculture, Dana François

World Pulse, Natalie Rekstad


ACCESO, Dana François

Accion, Tara Kenney

AIDA, Dan Sarles

AMAZE, Kristen Mahoney

Andean Health and Development, Tara Kenney

Care USA, Farida Kathawalla, Lisa Valone 

Center for Reproductive Rights, Kristen Mahoney

CONICET CENPAT, Jason Donofrio

FUNDES, Gisela Keller

Global Greengrants, Liz Sheehan

Groundswell International, Karen Ansara, Jenn Hartman and Danyelle O’Hara

Health Care Without Harm, Jenn Hartman

INVEMAR, Jason Donofrio

Malala Fund, Alison Pyott

Miracle Feet, Mollie Van Horn

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

Planeta Oceano, Elizabeth Stephenson

TeachUNITED, Stephanie Dodson

The Movement of People Affected by Dams, Jessie Spector

The Nature Conservancy, Steven Fox

The World Resources Institute (WRI), Vilas Dhar

Thousand Currents, Danyelle O’Hara

Village Capital, Doug Miller

World Pulse, Natalie Rekstad




AGAPE, Dana François 

ACCESO, Dana François

Accion, Tara Kenney

Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village, Laurie Franz

AMAZE, Kristen Mahoney 

Amen, Allison Morris

Ana Aqra, Caitlin Baron

Barakat Bundle, Dan Sarles

Basmeh & Zeitooneh, Caitlin Baron 

Bikes Not Bombs, Namrita Kapur 

BYkids, Natalie Rekstad

Cambodian Childrens Fund, David Campbell 

Care USA, Farida Kathawalla and Lisa Valone 

Center for Girls, Corrie Dretler

Community Environmental Monitor, Gary Cohen

COMPALCIHT, Donna Katzin

Creating Hope International, Alison Pyott 

Dasra, Sapphira Goradia 

Educando, Tara Kenney 

Education for All Children, Alison Pyott, Blair DeMers and Nancy van Sciver

Fabretto, Danyelle O’Hara 

FOWACE, Tine Ward

Global Grassroots, Natalie Rekstad

Harambee, Liz Sheehan, Amy Brakeman

Healthy Learners, Stephanie Dodson 

Humanity Rises, Paul English, Beth Floor, Stephanie Dodson, Barrie Landry, Ed Shapiro 

Impetus, Doug Miller

Karuna USA, Todd Johnson 

Kabubbu Health Centre, John Gould 

Kijabe Children’s Education Fund, Blair DeMers

Kupenda, Peter Choo 

Kyaninga Child Development Centre, Mollie Van Horn 

Little Sisters Fund, Blair DeMers, Julia Pettengill

LitWorld, Corrie Dretler

Miracle Feet, Mollie Van Horn 

Music Heals International, Ashley Orton

Opening Doors Cambodia, Robert Urban

PAZESA Horticultural Community, Pamela Nathenson 

Pratham, Ketan Mehta, Sapphira Goradia 

Project Bread, Nirmala Garimella

Projet Jeune Leader, Susan Blaustein 

Rays of Hope, Katie Bunten-Wamaru

READ Global, Natalie Rekstad 

RefuSHE, Natalie Rekstad

Resonate, Laurie Franz

Roots of Health, Susan Blaustein 

Safe Passage, Jane Gallagher and Martha Dolben

School the World, Natalie Rekstad

Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care, Ketan Mehta

Shujaaz, Amy Brakeman

Somalli Youth Development Network, Karen Lambert 

Summits Education, Paul English

The Action Foundation, Mollie Van Horn

The Citizens Foundation, Yasmin Causer

The Home Project, Ed Shapiro

The Precious Project, Constance Kane 

Think Equal, Natalie Rekstad

Trinity Yard School, Bill Hannigan 

Ujima Foundation, Mollie Van Horn 

Ummeed, Doug Miller

Unitaf, Ed Shapiro

United World Schools, Doug Miller

Wezesha Impact, Katie Bunten-Wamaru 

World Computer Exchange, Julia Schniewind

Young Center, Christine Brown 


ACCESO, Dana François

Evpa, Doug Miller

MCE Social Capital, Karen Ansara, David Campbell, Peter Choo, Patricia Chilangwa

Shared Interest, Donna Katzin 

Thousand Currents, Danyelle O’Hara

Village Capital, Doug Miller

Working Capital for Community Needs, Donna Katzin 


ACCESO, Dana François

African Aquatic Conservation Fund, Elizabeth Stephenson

African Centre for Biodiversity, Jessie Spector

Agroecology Fund, Jenn Hartman 

AIDA, Dan Sarles

Alliance for Food Sovereignty, Daniel Moss

Blue Gold Works, John Huycke

Blue Ventures, Bennett Rathbun and Ashley Barrett

BOMA Project, Ashley Barrett 

Care USA, Farida Kathawalla, Lisa Valone 

Catholic Relief Services, Pat Dinneen, Tara Kenney, Charlie Walsh

Climate and Health Alliance, Gary Cohen 

Community Environmental Monitor, Gary Cohen

CREATE!, Mary-Kay Miller

Creative Action Institute, April Stone and Constance Kane

E-Hands Energy, Robin Brenner

Earth University, Tory Dietel Hopps

Ecobarter, Pamela Nathenson 

ForestAction Nepal, Jessie Spector  

FPDF, Diana Samarasan

Free Grassy Narrows,  Kezha Hatier-Reiss

Gardens for Health International, Gretchen Stoddard

Global Greengrants, Liz Sheehan

Grassroots International, Mary Hawkins, Jenn Hartman 

Green Girls Platform, Kezha Hatier-Reiss

Green Worms, Robin Brenner 

Groundswell International, Karen Ansara, Jenn Hartman and Danyelle O’Hara

Groundwork, Gary Cohen 

Health Care Without Harm, Jenn Hartman, Ashley Barrett and Gary Cohen 

Indigenous Environmental Network, Jenn Hartman 

INVEMAR, Jason Donofrio

Island Institute, Jason Donofrio

Karuna USA, Todd Johnson 

La Via Campesina, Jessie Spector

Legado Initiative, Dan Sarles

Marine Stewardship Council, Steven Fox

Mauritius Oceanographic Institute, Jason Donofrio

National Coalition for Natural Farming, Daniel Moss 

National Fisheries Authority, Jason Donofrio 

Oceanswell, Elizabeth Stephenson

OLAM, Laurie Franz 

One Acre Fund, Bennett Rathbun and Keith Ennis 

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

Palau International Coral Reef Center, Jason Donofrio 

PAZESA Horticultural Community,  Pamela Nathenson

Planeta Oceano, Elizabeth Stephenson

Puerto Rico Community Foundation, Aixa Beauchamp 

Root Capital, Namrita Kapur and Caroline Easley 

Safe Water Network, Nirmala Garimella

SEN-ECOKAF, Pamela Nathenson 

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Jason Donofrio

SOIL Haiti, Liz Sheehan

South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Jason Donofrio

St. Croix Environmental Association, Jason Donofrio 

The Movement of People Affected by Dams, Jessie Spector

The Nature Conservancy, Steven Fox

The World Resources Institute (WRI), Vilas Dhar

Tokelau Ministry of Environment, Jason Donofrio 

Tostan, Natalie Rekstad and Mary-Kay Miller 

Trinity Yard School, Bill Hannigan

Uganda Rural Development and Training Programme, Martha Dolben 

Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust, Jason Donofrio 

Women's Climate Centers International, Heather McGray

World Wildlife Fund, Lisa Valone


AGAPE, Dana François

ACCESS Uganda, April Stone

Action Foundation, Mollie Van Horn

African Aquatic Conservation Fund, Elizabeth Stephenson

African Leadership Academy, Amy Brakeman 

African Rural University for Women, Martha Dolben 

African Visionary Fund, Amy Brakeman and Julia Pettengill

AfriMed Network, John Huycke

Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village, Laurie Franz

Akilah College, Laurie Franz

AkiraChix, Amy Brakeman 

AMAZE, Kristen Mahoney

Amen, Allison Morris

American India Foundation, Farida Kathawalla

Ana Aqra, Caitlin Baron

AnnieCannons, Vilas Dhar 

Asha, Peter Choo

Barakat Bundle, Dan Sarles

BarefootLaw, African Visionary Fund

Basmeh & Zeitooneh, Caitlin Baron

BYkids, Natalie Rekstad

Cambodian Children’s Fund, David Campbell

Catholic Relief Services, Pat Dinneen, Tara Kenney and Charlie Walsh

CHES International, Mary-Kay Miller

Clinica Verde, Gretchen Stoddard

Community Environmental Monitor, Gary Cohen

COMPALCIHT,  Donna Katzin

CONICET CENPAT, Jason Donofrio

Creative Action Institute, April Stone and Constance Kane

Dasra, Sapphira Goradia 

Docubox, Heather McGray

Earth University, Tory Dietel Hopps

Educando, Tara Kenney

Education for All Children, Alison Pyott, Blair DeMers and Nancy Van Sciver

Elimisha Kakuma, David Clubb

ESPOL, Jason Donofrio 

Fabretto, Danyelle O’Hara 

Felician Sisters of North America, Allison Pyott 

Flying Kites, Paul English

Gardens for Health International, Gretchen Stoddard

Global Grassroots, Natalie Rekstad

Grassroots International, Mary Hawkins, Jenn Hartman

Haiti Christian Development Fund, Dana François

Haiti Development Institute (HDI), Karen Ansara

Harvard Chan School of Public Health, Peter Choo 

Immaculate Heart Sisters of Africa for the Kitenga Girls Secondary School, Anne Wadsworth

Impetus, Doug Miller

Karam Foundation, Julia Pettengill 

Karuna USA, Todd Johnson 

Kijabe Children’s Education Fund, Blair DeMers

Kupenda, Peter Choo

Latinos for Education, Aixa Beauchamp 

Little Sisters Fund, Blair DeMers, Julia Pettengill

LitWorld, Corrie Dretler

Malala Fund, Alison Pyott

Millennium Campus Network, Steven Fox, Karen Ansara and Charlie Walsh 

Misión Tiburon Costa Rica, Elizabeth Stephenson 

National University of Samoa, Jason Donofrio 

Nurturing Minds, Laura DeDominicis 

Oceanswell, Elizabeth Stephenson

Oda Foundation, Dan Sarles 

Planeta Oceano, Elizabeth Stephenson

Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, Jason Donofrio 

Practical Education Network, Peter Choo

Pratham, Ketan Mehta, Sapphira Goradia 

Primary Source, Matt Zalosh 

Project ECHO, Sapphira Goradia 

Projet Jeune Leader, Susan Blaustein

Puerto Rico Community Foundation, Aixa Beauchamp 

Rays of Hope, Katie Bunten-Wamaru

READ Global, Natalie Rekstad

Rebuild Africa, Peter Choo 

Rian Immigrant Center, Karen Ansara

Rift Valley Institute, Karen Lambert 

School the World, Natalie Rekstad

Shanta Foundation, Mollie Van Horn

Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care, Ketan Mehta

Shule Direct, Katie Bunten-Wamaru

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Jason Donofrio

South Africa Partners, Judy Weiss

South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Jason Donofrio

STiR Education, Sapphira Goradia

Street Business School, Robert Urban

Summits Education, Paul English

TeachUNITED, Stephanie Dodson

The Citizens Foundation, Yasmin Causer

The Himalayan Cataract Project, Vilas Dhar

The Precious Project, Constance Kane 

Think Equal, Natalie Rekstad

Tostan, Natalie Rekstad and Mary-Kay Miller 

Trinity Yard School, Bill Hannigan

TRIUMPH, Diana Samarasan 

Uganda Rural Development and Training Programme, Martha Dolben 

UGEAFI, John Gould 

Unitaf, Ed Shapiro

United Nations of Greater Boston, Farida Kathawalla

United World Schools, Doug Miller

Universidad del Mar, Jason Donofrio 

University of Mauritius, Jason Donofrio 

University of the South Pacific, Jason Donofrio 

University of the West Indies, Jason Donofrio

University Quisqueya School of Agriculture, Dana François

WINGS, Judy Weiss

WISE Zambia, Joanne Bollinger 

Women Changemakers for Education, Constance Kane

Women’s Justice Initiative, Susan Blaustein 

World Education, Farida Kathawalla


ACCESS Uganda, April Stone

AfriMed Network, John Huycke

American Cancer Society, Farida Kathawalla

American India Foundation, Farida Kathawalla

Andean Health and Development, Tara Kenney

Boston Medical Center for Immigrants and Refugee Health Care, Charlie Walsh 

Build Health International, Karen Ansara

Care USA, Farida Kathawalla, Lisa Valone 

Catholic Charities USA, Tara Kenney and Charlie Walsh 

Catholic Relief Services, Pat Dinneen, Tara Kenney, Charlie Walsh

Climate and Health Alliance, Gary Cohen 

Clinica Verde, Gretchen Stoddard

Community Health Academy, Julia Pettengill

Creating Hope International, Alison Pyott

Dandelion Africa, Katie Bunten-Wamaru, John Gould and Gretchen Stoddard 

Dasra, Sapphira Goradia 

Doctors Without Borders, Joanne Bollinger and Matt Zalosh 

Equalize Health, Stephanie Dodson

Faith in Action, Karen Ansara

Felician Sisters of North America, Allison Pyott 

Foundation for African Medicine and Education, Gretchen Stoddard

HEAL Initiative, Julia Pettengill

Health Builders, Nancy Reynolds and John Gould 

Health Care for the Homeless, Tara Kenney

Health Care Without Harm, Jenn Hartman, Ashley Barrett and Gary Cohen 

Health Equity International, Lisa Valone

Healthy Learners, Stephanie Dodson 

Hospitalito Atitlan,  Gretchen Stoddard

Humanity Rises, Beth Floor, Paul English, Stephanie Dodson, Barrie Landry and Ed Shapiro

Indonesian Mental Health Association, Diana Samarasan

Integrate Health, Ashley Barrett

Kabubbu Health Centre, John Gould 

Kajo Keji Health Institute, Mollie Van Horn

Kupenda, Peter Choo

Kyaninga Child Development Centre, Mollie Van Horn 

Last Mile Health, Ashley Barrett

Mercy Corps, Lisa Valone

Midwives For Haiti, John Gould

Miracle Feet, Mollie Van Horn

Mujeres Aliadas, Susan Blaustein 

Neglected Tropical Disease NGO Network, Allison Morris 

Nundu Deaconess Hospital, John Gould

Oda Foundation, Dan Sarles 

Partners in Health, Karen Ansara

Roots of Health, Susan Blaustein

SaCoDe, Katie Bunten-Wamaru

SEVA, Keith Ennis

Shanta Foundation, Mollie Van Horn

SightLife, Saphhira Goradia 

SOIL Haiti, Liz Sheehan

South Africa Partners, Judy Weiss

StrongMinds, Stephanie Dodson

The Himalayan Cataract Project, Vilas Dhar

The Trinity Challenge, Vilas Dhar

Tostan, Natalie Rekstad and Mary-Kay Miller 

TRIUMPH, Diana Samarasan 

UGEAFI, John Gould 

Ummeed, Doug Miller

Village Health Works, Paul English

Village Reach, Keith Ennis

WINGS, Judy Weiss

Wolaitta Development Association, Caitlin Baron 


Amen, Allison Morris

BOMA Project, Ashley Barrett 

Bridges to Prosperity, Bennett Rathbun

Cambodian Children’s Fund, David Campbell

Care USA, Farida Kathawalla, Lisa Valone 

COAST Trust, Heather McGray

Fabretto, Danyelle O’Hara 

FPDF, Diana Samarasan

FUNDES, Gisela Keller

Groundswell International, Karen Ansara, Jenn Hartman and Danyelle O’Hara

Haiti Christian Development Fund, Dana François

IDE International Development Enterprises, Tom Ebling

Impetus, Doug Miller

Latimpacto, Doug Miller

MCE Social Capital, Karen Ansara, David Campbell, Peter Choo, Patricia Chilangwa

MICAIA Mozambique, Doug Miller 

MicroLoan Foundation, Matt Zalosh

myAgro, Bennett Rathbun and Peter Choo

OneVillage Partners, Danyelle O’Hara

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

Raising the Village, Danyelle O’Hara 

St. Francis House, Pat Dinneen 

Street Business School, Robert Urban

The Precious Project, Constance Kane 

Trek @ 10K Feet, Robin Brenner

Trickle Up, Tom Ebling


Brady Fund, Laura DeDominicis 

Care USA, Farida Kathawalla, Lisa Valone 

Catholic Relief Services, Pat Dinneen, Tara Kenney, Charlie Walsh

Combatants for Peace, Judy Weiss

Parents Circle Families Forum, Judy Weiss



African Youth Alliance, Tine Ward

Agroecology Fund, Jenn Hartman

AIDA, Dan Sarles

Center for Reproductive Rights, Kristen Mahoney

COAST Trust, Heather McGray

Color of Change, Laura DeDominicis

Comundich, Kezha Hatier-Riess

Decolonizing Wealth Project/Liberated Capital, Mary Hawkins

Faith in Action, Karen Ansara

Grassroots International, Mary Hawkins, Jenn Hartman

Il'Laramatak Community Concerns, Heather McGray

Indonesian Mental Health Association, Diana Samarasan

OIPPA Rwanda, Diana Samarasan

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Judy Weiss

Somalia NGO Consortium, Karen Lambert

South Africa Development Fund, Donna Katzin

The Movement of People Affected by Dams, Jessie Spector

UFMORH, Diana Samarasan

Women’s Peace Network, Tine Ward


Equalize Health, Stephanie Dodson

IDE Foundation, Tom Ebling


Boston Medical Center for Immigrants and Refugee Health Care, Charlie Walsh 

Catholic Charities USA, Tara Kenney and Charlie Walsh 

Community Sponsorship Catalyst Fund, Ed Shapiro

Elimisha Kakuma, David Clubb

Faith in Action, Karen Ansara

Humanity Rises, Beth Floor, Paul English, Stephanie Dodson, Barrie Landry and Ed Shapiro

Karam Foundation, Julia Pettengill 

Miles4migrants, Ed Shapiro 

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

RefugePoint, Keith Ennis

RefuSHE, Natalie Rekstad

Rian Immigrant Center, Karen Ansara

Safe Passage, Jane Gallagher

The Home Project, Ed Shapiro

Unitaf, Ed Shapiro

USA for UNHCR, Yasmin Causer

If you have additional grantees to add to this page that are not currently  listed, please click below and fill out the submission form!

ACCESO, Dana François

Action Foundation, Mollie Van Horn

African Youth Alliance, Tine Ward

AkiraChix, Amy Brakeman 

Basmeh & Zeitooneh, Caitlin Baron

Blue Gold Works, John Huycke

Blue Ventures, Bennett Rathbun and Ashley Barrett

BOMA Project, Ashley Barrett 

BRAC, Caitlin Baron

Care USA, Farida Kathawalla, Lisa Valone 

Center for Girls, Corrie Dretler

CHES International, Mary-Kay Miller

COAST Trust, Heather McGray

Creating Hope International, Alison Pyott

Creative Action Institute, April Stone and Constance Kane

Dandelion Africa, Katie Bunten-Wamaru, John Gould and Gretchen Stoddard 

Flying Kites, Paul English 

FUNDES, Gisela Keller

FOWACE, Tine Ward

Girl Up Initiative, Susan Blaustein 

Girlsaide, Pamela Nathenson 

Global Grassroots, Natalie Rekstad

Global Greengrants, Liz Sheehan

Green Girls Platform, Kezha Hatier-Reiss

Groundswell International, Karen Ansara, Jenn Hartman and Danyelle O’Hara

IDE International Development Enterprises, Tom Ebling

Immaculate Heart Sisters of Africa for the Kitenga Girls Secondary School, Anne Wadsworth 

Karuna USA, Todd Johnson 

Institute for the Healing of Memories, Donna Katzin 

Malala Fund, Alison Pyott

MicroLoan Foundation, Matt Zalosh

Midwives For Haiti, John Gould

Mujeres Aliadas, Susan Blaustein 

Music Heals International, Ashley Orton

Nous Sommes la Solution, Daniel Moss

Nurturing Minds, Laura DeDominicis 

OneVillage Partners, Danyelle O’Hara

Ongoza, Sylvia Brown

Oxfam America, Dan Sarles, Karen Ansara, Tara Kenney, Susan Clare, Charlie Walsh

Prosperity Catalyst, Karen Ansara

Rays of Hope, Katie Bunten-Wamaru

READ Global, Natalie Rekstad

Rebuild Africa, Peter Choo 

RefuSHE, Natalie Rekstad

Resonate, Laurie Franz

Root Capital, Namrita Kapur and Caroline Easley 

Roots of Health, Susan Blaustein

Shanta Foundation, Mollie Van Horn

Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care, Ketan Mehta

Street Business School, Robert Urban

The Action Foundation, Mollie Van Horn

TIP Global Health, Nancy Reynolds

Tostan, Natalie Rekstad and Mary-Kay Miller 

Trickle Up, Tom Ebling

TRIUMPH, Diana Samarasan 

Uganda Rural Development and Training Programme, Martha Dolben 

Urban Light Foundation, Corrie Dretler

WISE Zambia, Joanne Bollinger 

Women Advocacy Project, Tine Ward 

Women Changemakers for Education, Constance Kane

Women's Climate Centers International, Heather McGray

Women's Justice Initiative, Susan Blaustein

Women's Trust, Martha Dolben

World Pulse, Natalie Rekstad












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Image by Womanizer WOW Tech





Image by José Ignacio Pompé





Many of you have asked for resources on the war unfolding in Israel and Palestine. If you have funding opportunities to help victims of this war, please share them with us so we can bring them to the attention of the whole community.

Image by Eugene


Many of you have been asking for resources on how to help the rapidly escalating humanitarian refugee crisis in and around Ukraine and others have been sending us information and recommendations on where and how to help. Here is a compilation of all the recommendations.

Image by Mohammad Rahmani


We know that many of you are seeking ways to help in Afghanistan and Haiti. Please click below to view a list of vetted-NGO's provided by NEID Global members who either fund or are involved with those organizations in the region.

Image by Tim Wildsmith



At the Network of Engaged International Donors we commit to empowering persons of color in global philanthropy and beyond.  We will not stand by as injustice plagues our society. Here are tools that you can use to put your commitment to action in the fight against systematic racism.

Image by Adam Nieścioruk


NEID Global has selected vetted articles and resources to help shine a light on COVID-19's global impact and what funders can do to help strengthen global response.

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