Many of you have been asking for resources on how to help the rapidly escalating humanitarian refugee crisis in and around Ukraine and others have been sending us information and recommendations on where and how to help. We have compiled all the recommendations we have received thus far in the list below.
For those of you seeking a more nuanced understanding of the evolving crisis, we recommend regularly taking a look at the International Crisis Group as well as the Brookings websites. The World Economic Forum has also written an insightful article on "The Key Facts and What You Can Do. NEID Member Sasha Chanoff has published an article on family reunification, "Millions of People have Fled Ukraine: We Need a Plan to Reunite Families" and NEID Member Maggi Alexander has written an article on "Philanthropy’s Critical Role in the Crisis in Ukraine."
The King Baudouin Foundation United States, a NEID member, has established a fund to help support emergency relief for the people of Ukraine. The fund is pooling contributions, to be distributed to three local nonprofits working on the frontlines of the country’s response to the crisis - Caritas Ukraine, People in Need Ukraine (a fantastic Czech Humanitarian Organization), and the Ukrainian Red Cross Society. These three organizations work hard to provide food, shelter and medical assistance directly to vulnerable individuals and communities across Ukraine.
Choose Love, another NEID affiliate through the Global Whole Being Fund, has just established a fund to support grassroots efforts that are providing vital aid and services to those still in and fleeing the country, including: emergency medical care, food, shelter, clothes, legal support, support for the LGBTQIA+ community and mental health support. They have a deeply grassroots approach with refugees themselves involved in the decision-making process. Their staff is already on the ground in Poland and they will be holding a briefing call on March 3rd. If you are interested in participating, please email Negar Tayyar at negar@gwbf.org.
NEID Global member Sasha Chanoff with RefugePoint, has shared that one of their partner organizations, HIAS, has been active in Ukraine through Right to Protect, a leader in identifying and supporting vulnerable refugees.
Sonia Kowal at Zevin Asset Management, a new NEID member, recommends the following three local Ukrainian Organizations as places to support citizens through local NGOs.
Razom: Ukrainian woman founded and led non-profit supporting the people of Ukraine in their pursuit of a democratic society with dignity, justice, and human and civil rights for all
Voices of Children: Ukraine-based aid organization that provides psychological support to children who have witnessed war. It uses art therapy and storytelling to support children’s wellbeing, and provides financial support to families who have suffered as a result of war.
Women's Veterans movement: An organization of Ukrainian women veterans that prepares for action in case of emergencies and defense situations.
NEID member Paul English recommends this website for information on how to support Ukraine. The same site was also endorsed by WINGs and they linked to a page specifically listing trusted humanitarian organizations.
Fidelity Charitable, also a NEID member, has also just released its recommended list of Ukraine related Funds to support the growing humanitarian crisis.
As Alex Toma of the Peace and Security Funders Group argues in this article in the Chronicle of Philanthropy “One of the most effective ways grant makers can respond is by supporting independent journalism and analysis that counters misinformation narratives. For example, the 762 Project, which is run by volunteers in Ukraine and elsewhere, has been collecting, analyzing, and posting information about the buildup of Russian troops along Ukraine’s borders since last spring. Supporting local news sources in Ukraine, such as the English-language news site the Kyiv Independent, is especially important to ensuring that propaganda from outlets like the Kremlin-funded RT and social-media misinformation campaigns don’t drive decision making about the invasion.”
The Center for Disaster Philanthropy has developed a Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis page with some initial information for funders to keep in mind on how they can help, and they note that they will continue to update this information as needs come into greater focus. CDP has also established the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Recovery Fund, which will focus on addressing humanitarian needs that arise, particularly among the most vulnerable, marginalized and at-risk internally-displaced peoples (IDPs) and refugees.
CARE has established an Ukraine Crisis Fund to reach 4 million with immediate aid and recovery, food, water, hygiene kits, psychosocial support, and cash assistance - prioritizing women and girls, families, and the elderly.
The International Committee of the Red Cross is seeking donations to support its work to respond to the Ukraine crisis.
The Urgent Action Fund is establishing a fund in support of women's and/or transgender human rights defenders/activists in Ukraine.
CAF America has established an on-going information website that is regularly updated on regulations and guidelines related to giving in this rapidly changing context.
Global Giving has established a Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund, focused in particular on will support humanitarian assistance in impacted communities in Ukraine and surrounding regions where Ukrainian refugees have fled.
Mercy Corps has mobilized a team to the region – first to Poland and then, depending on safety and access, into Ukraine – to better understand the evolving civilian needs and gaps as this situation unfolds. This assessment will inform any potential humanitarian response undertaken by Mercy Corps. They are urgently seeking flexible support for our Ukraine response.
The Philanthropy Europe Foundation (Philea) is tracking information and major foundation responses to the crisis here.
NEID Global Member Susan Swern of Global Greengrants Fund recommends this Denver-based organization that also has experience getting medical supplies and other aid to Ukraine.
The United Nations Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) is rapidly mobilizing urgently-needed support for local women-led organizations that are providing humanitarian aid and ensuring the needs of women and children are met on the front lines. Ukrainian women activists, peacebuilders and humanitarian responders are providing lifesaving aid to their communities and working to protect the most vulnerable - proving now more than ever their crucial roles as vehicles of resilience, agency and action. Stand with local women’s organizations in Ukraine by partnering with WPHF today. Contact matthew.rullo@unwomen.org for more information on how you can contribute.
Nomada, The Polish Migration Forum (Polskie Forum Migracyjne), Dla Ziemi and Polish Hospitality Foundation (Fundacja Polska Gościnność) are organizations based in Poland that provide inclusive welcome, shelter, translation, psychosocial support, legal support and shelter.
Fundacja Ocalenie is a Polish organization providing emergency needs.
Refugee Trauma Initiative is providing psychosocial support in the region.
Open Society Foundations have local offices throughout East and Central Europe and has been working to support civil society in Ukraine since the early 1990s. In response to the current situation in Ukraine they have set up a fund that will work to counter disinformation and to support civil society and free media in Ukraine.
IREX has had a presence in East and Central Europe and Ukraine since the mid 1990s and has hundreds of employees they are helping to relocate to Poland and elsewhere. They have a long history working with youth and to counter disinformation in particular. Currently they are preparing to:
1) Meet pressing needs of journalists in Ukraine
2) Provide rapid-response lifeline to civil society networks on the ground
3) Counter disinformation inside Ukraine.
All of these efforts involve providing medical support as well as access to equipment and other resources.
Prospera is a network of 44 autonomous and independent women’s funds that work to empower women and girls. Their members work in all continents and regions and provide grants in over 178 countries. This network is working to support the Ukrainian Women's Fund who have all made it safely out of the country. They are providing humanitarian support to Ukrainian women and girls on the ground in coordination with the women's funds in Bulgaria, Georgia, and Poland.
European Roma Initiative for Arts and Culture together with their Ukrainian partner - the Youth Agency for the Advocacy of Roma Culture are mobilizing funds to provide humanitarian support for Roma and other vulnerable victims of the war that have been forced to stay in Ukraine and are facing imminent danger while having limited access to basic services and supplies. Contact person: Timea Junghaus, Executive Director, timea.junghaus@eriac.org.
Grupa Granica is another Polish organization working to support refugees from anywhere at the Polish border.
Council on Foundations offers an excellent summary of resources and response funds.
Ukrainian Women’s Fund is mobilizing resources to support its rapid response grants to women’s rights and feminist groups.
Meduza is the last major media outlet to report independently on matters in Russia. Since the invasion, the editorial staff has been forced to leave the country and the Meduza website has been blocked, yet millions of Russians continue to rely on its coverage.
Initiative Center to Support Social Action (ISAR) Ednannia is a Ukrainian national network for the development of local philanthropy. ISAR Ednannia, one of the largest Ukrainian NGOs, established the Emergency Fund for civil society organizations across Ukraine. They have 20 years of reliable grant making experience in Ukraine, including as an implementing partner of USAID and the EU Delegation to Ukraine, and have a vast network that allows them to provide rapid grants for emergency response.
The European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network they have mobilized to support the Roma minority in Ukraine who are often overlooked and underserved - you can donate and support their work here
This fund was created by Global Shapers Ukraine. Born out of the World Economic Forum, the Global Shapers Community is a network of inspiring young people under the age of 30 working together to address local, regional, and global challenges. They have more than 14,000 members and span 456 city-based hubs in 150 countries.
The World Health Organization is focused on medical care for families inside Ukraine as well as those fleeing to neighboring countries. For questions please contact Jami at j.vass@who.foundation.
UNICEF is actively working inside Ukraine to support children in this conflict. Children make up half of the refugees and displaced population affected by this war. Contact Emily Brouwer at ebrouwer@uniderusa.org with questions.
The Wise Fund (Women Investing to Save Earth) was founded by Jackie Copeland to mobilize people in the African Diaspora around social justice and environmental issues. They have launched a new humanitarian platform and tech app called AGAPES, essential a directory (and possibly an emerging network) of Ukraine-focused service providers who are assisting BIPOC individuals facing discrimination in emergency response and evacuation from Ukraine.
NEID Member Global Fund for Children (GFC) has established an emergency response fund to support grassroots groups that are providing food, winter clothing, fuel, shelter, transportation, and trauma support to children and families under attack in Ukraine and to refugees fleeing the country. GFC is sending emergency cash grants to local partner organizations inside Ukraine, as well as to organizations in neighboring countries, like Moldova and Romania, that are supporting Ukrainian refugees.
Global Fund for Human Rights is funding a local organization, Legal Development Network Ukraine, for emergency relief and legal aid.
NEID Member Nancy Reynolds recommends the Help Ukraine Center to purchase medications and other necessary humanitarian products in Europe.